Registry Concierge
With over 30 years of combined work in the baby industry, The Baby Mavens have seen it all!
We have put together, used repeatedly, and tried almost every baby product on the market.

“Preparation, I have often said, is rightly two-thirds of any venture.” -Amelia Earhart
Wherever you are in the process, we can help!
We know that you will do lots of research about which crib, carseat and stroller is right for your family, and ask your friends about their favorites. But what if you could sit down with an expert, and have them tell you which products are the best for your budget, lifestyle and needs? What if someone told you “You won’t ever use that, don’t waste your money!” The Baby Mavens can help you not only build the perfect registry full of things you will actually use for years to come, but we will help you build the nursery, organize the closet and get you prepared in the best possible way for the arrival of your little bundle of joy!
Registry Review
Have you already built your registry? This option allows for Your Registry Maven to give your registry a look, and make some suggestions on what you may still need, what you may want to take off, and a few other things to think about!
$75 (1 hr. - 90 mins.)
Registry Maven
In-home consultation to build your registry. We will go over which registries you would like to use, how to set them up, add must have products, etc. Being in your home will give us a chance to see your space and get a better idea about what recommendations to make.
$150 (2 hrs.)
Setting Up and Organizing
This in-home visit will be hands on! We will help you build furniture, organize the nursery, wash new baby laundry, sterilize bottles and pump parts, set up your pump, create a Baby Station in a different part of your home, and more!
$50/per hour
Concierge Add-Ons
Hospital Prep.
If you are nearing the end of your pregnancy you may have started to pack your bag for the hospital. Then you unpacked it, and packed it again. What do you actually need for your stay? What are the little tips and tricks you may not know? We can help!
$50 (1 hour)
Car Seat Checks.
There are so many car seat choices on the market today! Which one is best for your family, and your car? How do you install it properly? Are baby’s buckles tight enough? You want your baby to be safe while riding in your car, our CPST will help you make sure your baby’s ride is the safest!
$50 (1 hour)
Second Baby.
You had a big shower when you had your first baby, but what things will you need to make your life easier with two? What things need to be replaced? What can you use again? (Most things!) We will help you choose things to make things go as smooth as possible as you grow your family.
$50 (1 hour)