Daytime Postpartum Support

Sometimes for years, often times for 9 months; you have dreamed of being a mother, or father. Dreamed of starting a family. Now your baby is here, or is about to arrive and you realize: “I wish the baby came with a manual!” Postpartum doulas can help your family through education, assistance with household tasks, and emotional support. We are like your favorite Aunt or fairy godmother; without the judgement.

“Mothers need just as much attention as a newborn, because they have just been born too.” -Anonymous


Doula Care When YOU need it

Bathing New Baby

The Maven Difference

The Baby Mavens believe in supporting and helping families where they are at. This is YOUR baby, we want to help you find your footing, figure out what works best for your household, and assist you where you need it- NOT where anyone else believes you do. We understand that families know they may need some help, but are never sure what their baby will be like; so we think it is important to be flexible, and let you tell us your needs. NOT the other way around.

postpartum doula with family

Evidence Based Information

So many clients have wished for a manual about their baby, but we know that every baby is different- different temperament, different digestion, different sleep needs. The Baby Mavens have seen it ALL, and more importantly are always working to learn more and stay up to date on the latest guidelines and information. When you need it, we will offer our guidance and education so that you can better understand your baby.

“My family does not live close by so initially we thought that The Baby Mavens would help us transition the baby home and help us out around the house.  They did this but also provided so much more.  They provided incredible emotional support to both me and my husband during an exciting yet stressful time for the months leading up to my return to work and even after, and were simply amazing with our baby.  The doulas are calm, kind, and provide information to allow you to feel confident in making decisions you feel comfortable with.  They assisted with breastfeeding, helped me with doctor's appointments, and provided me with invaluable skills and knowledge in those first few months.  I don't know what I would have done without their support and I can't imagine going through it again without them.” -Melissa, First Time Mom


How Can We Help You?

*Emotional Support, a shoulder to lean on, and ear for listening, helping you adjust to your new normal *Education- everything about baby care that you ever wanted to know, and some stuff you didn’t know you needed. *Light Household Tasks- Folding laundry, preparing a meal, emptying a dishwasher, washing bottles and pump parts *Family care- help with siblings and pets *Baby wearing education and assistance *Help with all aspects of feeding- breastfeeding, bottle feeding, formula, pumping *Time for resting, getting out of the house if you need to, and taking a shower *Community resources and referrals

Doula Walking Dog Wearing Baby
Doula Swaddling Baby

What does daytime support look like?

Upon arrival your doula will check in with you to see how everything is going, and will chat with you about your questions and your goals. Every daytime shift can look different than the one before, or from another family’s day. One day a shift might be making sure mom gets some lunch, a shower and a nap. We can then bathe your baby together, and leave lots of time for questions and answers! We want to share all of the tips and tricks that we have learned over the years to make your lives easier. Another day, you and your partner could go to a yoga class, or out to lunch, then coming home and getting a nap in while your doula gets dinner in the oven. And sometimes it looks like you spending time with your older child, at the park or in the backyard while your doula watches over baby and folds a basket of laundry. You design the kind of support that will help you best!


You deserve the postpartum period that you want.