Providing Support, Guidance, and Education For Your Family.
The decisions, planning and experience of starting a family is no small feat, The Baby Mavens recognize that establishing or expanding your family can be a lot of work! We were built as a labor of love, with the dream of building relationships with families that will last for years to come. The quality care that our name has come to be known for transcends to every corner of our company, from our expert doulas, to our caring lactation counselors, and our skilled sleep consultants. We are here for your family’s journey, whatever it looks like.
Experience. Expertise.
In today’s world, there are so many places for expecting and new parents to get their information from. It can be overwhelming to sift through it all to find what fits YOUR family’s needs best. The Baby Mavens offer over 30 years of experience in working with expectant, new and experienced families. Our team can help your family in almost any stage of the parenting adventure. We bring a wealth of knowledge and training, to be able to support you family best. Whether this is your first pregnancy or your first grandchild, we can help!
Comprehensive. Inclusive.
The Baby Mavens are confident that we can support your family from conception to potty training, and all of those important milestones in between! We can support you in those first moments of joy and sometimes fear, through your pregnancy, labor and birth, during those first weeks home, until your baby is sleeping through the night, and as long as you need us to be there for you. We leave our judgment at the door, our support is for all families, in many different ways. We want to the only place you need to go for help, support, care and the very best, most up to date information!
Your Family Is Worth It.
The Baby Mavens pride ourselves in working with educated, skilled, professional doulas. For us, being a doula is a career, not a hobby. We are all always learning, and always staying up to date on pertinent information in the birth, baby, and toddler world. Passing on this evidence-based information to you is always our goal.
Over the years we have learned that if there is anything that families need at all stages of life it is flexibility. Maybe you think you would like overnight help, but when your baby arrives you really want daytime help. We know that every baby, and every family’s needs are different. We will support your choices, no matter what!
Our goal at The Baby Mavens is to always provide families with the type of support that they desire. It’s not our place to tell you how to birth, how to feed your baby, or how to discipline your toddler. We will give you the tools to find the footing that you want as birthing people and as parents so that we can stand beside you on your journey.
Welcome! Thanks for checking out our website!
With all of the choices out there for care for your family, we are so humbled that you are spending a few minutes here. This business was built from our hearts; we dreamed of a place that families could come to build a relationship with care providers and experts from conception to potty training. We are proud to have surrounded ourselves with strong, experienced, amazing women who can help us support this goal.
We are very much looking forward to meeting you soon!
*Laurie and Lauren
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